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Metal constructions of trestles and conveyors and installation of conveyors at

Metal constructions of trestles and conveyors and installation of conveyors at “Mokryanskiy” granite pit, Zaporizhia region.

Constructional characteristics:
  • Base is a subsidence ground;
  • Foundations of crane trestles consist of single and doubled monolithic reinforced concrete foundations of T-shaped type with strip foundations on the compact soil cushion;
  • Foundations for equipment are single concrete reinforced foundations for machine tool equipment in accordance with requirements of equipment producers;
  • Conveyor trestles and conveyors are single metal constructions.
There are fulfilled:
  • Development of drawings of metal construction details (KMD);
  • Preparation for foundations, including the replacement and compaction of soil;
  • Assembling of reinforced concrete foundations of conveyor trestles with waterproofing;
  • Assembling of foundations for machine-tool equipment;
  • Manufacturing of and installation of metal constructions of conveyor trestles and conveyor trestles equipment (tightening and engine capstans);
  • Installation of the belt conveyors (26 pieces) of more than 3 kilometers length;
  • Installation of the enclosure constructions of conveyor trestles and tightening capstans.
The general term of works performance is 6 months.

Private enterprise firm "MLAD"
49024, Dnepropetrovsk,
Universalna st., 10
tel. +38 (056) 370-59-87
tel.\ fax. +38 (056) 370-59-86