Classifier hydraulic two-section KGD


       Our partners continue to improve technology and modernize sand classification equipment in accordance with modern market and consumer requirements. And to the TILT GRATE SCREEN, previously manufactured by us, a HORIZONTAL TWO-SECTION CLASSIFIER is added to the technological chain.

       I repeat that this classifier is as unique as the classification technology, which was also developed by our partners, and is made in a single copy.

       I am convinced that this technology and the equipment used in it will allow our partners to achieve their goals, and we have done everything in our power to ensure the timeliness and worthy quality of the equipment ordered by us.




Private enterprise firm "MLAD"
49024, Dnepropetrovsk,
Universalna st., 10
tel. +38 (056) 370-59-87
tel.\ fax. +38 (056) 370-59-86