Piping and instalation of technological equipment

Foundations, walls, energy resources and engineering networks form the basis of any building. However, industrial objects have some specifics. They are being built to be provided with technological equipment that forms later the basis of a business. Industrial building includes installation of technological equipment, pipes, technological transport (conveyers of various types and lengths, transportation haul trucks of different capacity and transmission type, cableways and transportation systems, etc.). Such systems are being installed in underground horizontal/inclined galleries as well as on metal constructions of trestles, including the sharp-inclined.

Installation of such equipment is a sort of jewelry works, and only professionals should execute it. Efficiency, productivity and reliability of equipment depend on it; hence, the productivity of an object as a whole as well depends on it. 

For many years we have been installing technological equipment and pipelines in many industrial complexes, factories, quarries, and our Partners are grateful for our good and qualitative work.

Private enterprise firm "MLAD"
49024, Dnepropetrovsk,
Universalna st., 10
tel. +38 (056) 370-59-87
tel.\ fax. +38 (056) 370-59-86